Scientific Journals

The journal Administration Notebook is published every six months by the Department of Business Administration of the State University of Maringá-UEM (Universidade Estadual de Maringá). The journal publishes works that contribute to the advancement of reflection and debate on the administrative thought and related areas, it is indexed on EBSCO-academic source, it is also in the process of being indexed in DOAJ and LATINDEX and is qualified in Qualis CAPES. More information at: 


The journal RIMAR - Interdisciplinary Marketing Magazine (Revista Interdisciplinar de Marketing) is a publication of the Department of Business Administration, edited in Maringá, Brazil. It has a biannual frequency and publishes articles in marketing and related areas. RIMAR is the first Brazilian marketing journal, qualified by Qualis CAPES, indexed in SPELL, EBSCO, Latindex, Google Scholar, and it is in the process of being indexed in the Diadorim and DOAJ directories. More information at: