Research Groups

The PPA-UEM research groups are registered in the CNPq Directory of Research Groups in Brazil, which are updated every year. The  groups show information from leaders, members and projects carried out by it. The PPA-UEM research groups and their respective projects are closely related to the professor´s area of expertise and guided by the program´s two research fields, aligned with the course’s area of concentration.



The group was created in 2000 with the aim of establishing a forum for the UEM’s Department of Business Administration to discuss and research issues related to the organizational area. Since then, its work has advanced, incorporating philosophical, sociological and psychological approaches in the study of organizations and work, without neglecting traditional themes in the area, such as structure and organizational strategy. The efforts and activities of the group´s participants have enabled the presentation of the results of their research in the form of reports, masters dissertations, doctoral thesis, in addition to the sharing of knowledge generated in national and international events, and the publication of books, book chapters and articles published in important journals of the field.

Prof. Elisa Yoshie Ichikawa, PhD*

Prof. Priscilla Chagas, PhD

Prof. Josiane Oliveira, PhD


MEDIATA - Interventionist Methodologies and Transformative Learning

The group carries out its academic research mainly on Interventionist Methodology. This method has as theoretical basis the Historical-Cultural Activity Theory, of Russian origin, from which Vygotsky, Leontiev and Davidov are its precursors. Although its genes are in the areas of Psychology and Education, Activity Theory has been analyzed and studied by several other areas, such is the case of Organizational Studies, that has been making use of Activity Theory on Organizational Learning. This way, two main topics are studied by this group concerning Interventionist Methodology: Latin-American Comunitary Social Psychology and Change Laboratory.

Marcio P. Cassandre, PhD


GIPEM - Interdisciplinary Research Group and Studies and Marketing Research 

GIPEM is formed by researchers who have the marketing theme in common, but work in fields of knowledge that complement each other, such as Marketing, Organizational Studies, Anthropology and Sociology. It involves researchers from different institutions: UEM, PUC-PR, UNIGRANRIO, UFPR and UFLA. GIPEM´S basic research and academic performance platform has been developed around interdisciplinary studies carried out by it. The group has produced results through the publication of academic and business research reports, presentation of works in national and international events, as well as publication of articles in academic-scientific journals in the area of Administration.

Prof. Francisco G.D. Vieira, PhD*

Prof. Olga Maria C. Pépece, PhD

Prof. Valter Afonso Vieira, PhD


NUPETEIM - Research Center in Technological Management, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Market 

The group's work is centered around Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation, which unfolds in the following themes: Innovation in Products, Process and Services; Technology Strategy and Planning; Social Networks and Innovation; Economic Sociology; Administration and Information Technology; Marketing Management, Symbolic Productions; Culture and Consumption. The results achieved by the group had repercussions on activities related to Institutional Research and the graduate studies in Administration at UEM. These results have been socialized through the participation of its researchers in several national and international congresses, and also from publications in journals and books on the subject.

Prof. Maurício Reinert do Nascimento, PhD*

Prof. Fabiane C. Verdu, PhD


GECor - Coordinated Structures

The study group on Coordinated Structures (GECor) aims to contribute with research and studies about architecture and interorganizational interaction, considering performance, efficiency and competitiveness. The study focus comprises forms of horizontal and vertical coordination between companies and other agents, inserted in organizational and institutional environments.

Prof. José Paulo de Souza, PhD*

Prof. Sandra Mara Bankuti, PhD

Prof. Deisy Igarashi, PhD



The Metropolis Observatory: Maringá Center makes up the national network of Metropolis Observatory researchers under the coordination of Luiz César de Queiroz Ribeiro (IPPUR/UFRJ/FASE), created with the help of the Support Program for Excellence Centers (Programa de Apoio a Núcleos de Excelência - PRONEX/CNPq), whose purpose is to develop university teaching and outreach activities that contribute to the construction of a public sphere that can influence the decisions of actors who work in the Field of public policy formulation. It was developed with the support of the Program Institutos do Milênio/CNPq in the period of 2005-2008 and currently carries out activities within the scope of the National Institutes of Science and Technology (Institutos Nacionais - INCT/CNPQ).

Prof. William A. Borges, PhD



The group studies interface issues between approaches to ethics and analysis of formal organizations. It focuses mainly on the development of research,with a primary impact on the area of Organizational Studies (Administration) and, secondarily, it also intends to participate in discussions on the area of Philosophy and Sociology.

Prof. João Marcelo A. Crubellate, PhD



The Laboratory for Studies and Research in Psychoanalysis and Civilization, at the State University of Maringá, linked to the Psychology Graduate Program (Programa de Pós Graduação em Psicologia - PPI), centralizes its activity in the production and dissemination of research in psychoanalysis. With completed studies on Hysteria after Freud, as well as on Obsessive Neurosis, he is currently developing a comprehensive research around Trauma and Jean Laplanche's Theory of Generalized Seduction.

Prof. Dr. Gustavo Adolfo Neto

*Leader of the Group