
Research Fields

PPA-UEM, through its courses, Master’s degree, Doctorate and Post-Doctorate in Administration, has an area of concentration: ‘’Organization and Market’’. The two research fields that guide the structure of the program are: (a) Organizational Studies and Society and (b) Marketing and Production Chains.


1 - Organizational Studies and Society

The research field in Organizational Studies and Society seeks to analyze organizations as a social, historical, political and cultural phenomenon.

This field is structured as follows: (1) investigations that comprise organizations within a symbolic, theoretical context, and social practices contextualized in time and space, and in studies that work on themes such as everyday life and practices of organized social life; history, memory, identities and organizational discourses; subjectivity and work; organizational learning and its theoretical-methodological perspectives; territoriality, study of cities, public policies and production of urban space are developed. On the other hand, (2) the field also includes reflections on strategy from institutional theory, economic sociology, organizational strategies and internationalization strategies, in addition to encompassing research on intra and interorganizational networks.


2 - Marketing and production chains

The research field Marketing and Production Chains is structured in the following themes: (1) Marketing and (2) Productive Chains. These subfields guide teaching, research and outreach  activities.

The Marketing area involves consumer, retail and sales studies and both marketing and market practices. In consumer studies, consumption is approached in its most diverse aspects including consumer behavior, theory in marketing, retail and sales, consumer culture theory and construction process and market formatting. In the productive chains area, in-depth studies are carried out on the coordination mechanisms and governance structures in the production chains, the productive and competitive dynamics, aspects inherent to the generation of value and appropriation of value in relationships, based on the New Institutional Economy, chain, agribusiness and competitiveness of production chains.