Public Notices for Registration

Public notices are opened annually for regular master's and doctoral students. Public notices are opened every six months for non-regular students.

Important instructions: Entries must be made by completing the SGPOS online registration form (File 1) and the complementary SGPOS registration form (File 2), available on this website, with the required documentation to be sent, observing the following steps:

  1. By email to the PPA-UEM office ( The documentation must be scanned and attached in a SINGLE FILE in PDF format, according to the order and format described in the call for application.
  2. A simple copy of the physical documents must be forwarded, via SEDEX, or in person, to be checked and compared the legitimacy of all documentation with the file scanned and sent during the registration period. If the legitimacy cannot be confirmed, the entry will be disregarded and, therefore, the candidate won’t be able to enroll in the Program. In the Electronic Registration Form, the candidate must pay attention to the option of the type of registration that he/she will be carrying out, since there are other forms of registration in the system.



The Graduate Program in Administration at the State University of Maringá (Universidade Estadual de Maringá-PPA/UEM) opens enrollment for 1 (one) vacancy to attend the National Post-Doctoral Program (Programa Nacional de Pós doutorado-PNPD/CAPES). 



In the same way, annually the PPA offers 1 (one) vacancy of the Post-doctoral Internship of continuous flow, WITHOUT SCHOLARSHIP, with registrations in the period from February to December of the current year, according to public notice.