

Is it worth to observe that PPA-UEM is geographically inserted in the second most populous region of the state of Paraná (the northwest of the state, also know as New North), settled in the third largest city in terms of population which is the center of region with about 130 municipalities and approximately 2.5 million inhabitants (Maringá). The assigned students in every UEM courses are almost from all the regions of the country, with the biggest concentration of students from the state of Paraná (Campo Mourão, Cascavel, Londrina, Ponta Grossa, Umuarama, Cianorte, etc), from the state of São Paulo (Presidente Prudente, Ourinhos , Assis, Marília, Bauru, etc) and from the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (Dourados, Nova Andradina, Jardim, Ivinhema). According to the website of Gazeta do Povo newspaper, “Maringá remains as the third largest municipality of Paraná and is the seventh in the southern region of the country. This is what points out the survey released this Thursday by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE). According to IBGE, the projection in population for the 2020 census, the city counts with an estimated population of 430.157 residents, IDH-M 0,80 (second in the State of Paraná) , PIB of 8.263.628,00 (Brazilian ranking number 68)”. For more information about Maringá visit:á/parorama


PPA-UEM is the only graduate course in administration in the interior of the state of Paraná with a Doctoral course in Administration. In local terms, PPA-UEM seeks to prepare the most qualified professors for teaching and research, serving more than 10 higher education institutes registered with the Ministry of Education (Ministério da Educação - MEC), e.g.: UNICESUMAR, UNIFAMMA, FCV, EFICAZ, FEITEP, ALVORADA, Faculdade Maringá, PUC-PR, FAINSEP, etc.

PPA-UEM is essential for the professionalization, teaching, research, and outreach for the local training of more than 500 undergraduates that the city's institutions graduate year by year. The administrative department of UEM and the Graduate Program in Administration work together in the organization of Administrator’s Week (Semana do Administrador - SEMAD) since the creation of the program 21 years ago. Annually, several students from the municipality and the State submit their works for the event. The event is consolidated locally having regional proportions.


Regarding the impact of the course on the geographic region of its location, we highlight that the Graduate Program in Administration serves the high-demand for graduate training in a vast region that expands not only the interior of the state of Paraná (PR), but also the interior of the state of São Paulo (SP) and Mato Grosso do Sul(MS), among other regions from the country. In these regions, with the predominance of economy based on agriculture and organizations geared towards services and small business (even with the current big industrial expansion), the studies carried out within the scope of the PPA-UEM, plays an important role in the support and economic and social development of the municipalities, of the state and the wider region in which the course is inserted.

The northwestern mesoregion of the Paraná receives graduates of the PPA-UEM to work in various educational institutions, such as UNESPAR, UFPR, UTFPR, IFPR, UNIOESTE, UNICENTRO, UEPG, UEL, UENP, among others. According to Ana Margo Mantovani (2003), in Paraná Economia, ‘’the economy of Paraná is based on agriculture (sugarcane, corn, soy, wheat, coffee, cassava), on the industry (agroindustry, automobile industry, paper and cellulose) and on plant extractivism (Wood and yerba mate). The region is also a reference in the provision of services and fashion business, the latter being responsible for the third place in the industry for Paraná in terms of job generation (Paraná News Agency-Government of the State of Paraná, 2020). PPA-UEM meets the great demand for training in the area of Agribusiness, Internationalization, Retail, Fashion and organizations through its research field.


PPA-UEM has permanent partnerships with international universities. Students have the formal possibility of participating in exchange programs at universities such as Purpan University (France), University of Quebec (Canada), Kansas State University (USA) and Unversity of Perugia (Italy). PPA-UEM students also have the opportunity to carry out research at institutions where professors have executed postdoctoral internships, such as the University of Colonia (Germany) and the Gregorian University (Italy).