
The State University of Maringá is a Public University in the city of Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. The University was founded in 1970 and its academic population is estimated in 18,000 students among professors, undergraduates, graduate students and manager technical employees. The city of Maringá has a population of 400.000 (aproximately).

The School of Management was founded in 1971, which offered undergraduate in Business Administration and in Public Administration and MBA executive in Management, MBA in Retail and Salles, and Especialization in Public Administration.The Post-graduate courses in Management (such as PhD and Msc) are offered by the PPA-UEM at Maringa State University.PPA-UEM is the Post-Graduation course in Management. Our Msc in Management starts its classes in 2000 and our Ph.D. in Management starts its classes in 2011. In 2013, we started to offer our Post-doctoral Researcher course in Management. All courses are recognized by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and are evaluated every four years by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Assessment of Post-graduate Education (CAPES). We have 14 full-time professors working in the areas of management, organizations, marketing, supply chain and business administration. Actually, we have about 50 full and part-time graduate students and over the years we graduated more than 150 master students.

The goal of PhD and Msc in Management (PPA-UEM) is to select a small number of people who are most likely to successfully complete our rigorous and demanding program, publish in top tier management journals and ultimately achieve a PhD. The admission selection process occurs each year and it is highly competitive. Each year about  15-20 students are admitted to our Master of Science in Management. In addition, each year about  10-15 students are admitted to our PhD in Management.
The admission process for our PhD in Management included: (i) ANPAD Exam Score (similar to GMAT Exam); (ii) PhD research intention draft; (iii) personal interview; (iv) student Resume/Vitae (include honors, educational accomplishments, relevant work, papers or research experience (if applicable), and interests.). The admission process for our Master of Science in Management included: (i) ANPAD Exam Score (similar to GMAT Exam); (ii) writing exam; (iii) personal interview; (iv) student Resume/Vitae. 
Application Fee: There is an application fee for all students, non-Brazilian citizens or current Permanent Residents. The non-refundable fee must be paid by deposit.
Tuition Fee: There is not a tuition fee for the PhD or Msc courses.

Our major concentration field is: Organization and Market
Our two minor fields of study are: Organization and Society and Marketing and Supply Chain’
Organization and Society: In this field professors research in topics such as: organizations, management theory, institutionalization of the firm, ethics, networks, international business strategy, public policy, organizational simbolism, public policy, government, territory, social economics, and human resource.
Marketing and Supply Chain: In this field professors research in topics such as: marketing, culture consumer theory, consumer behavior, theory of the firm, accounting, supply chain, theory of the firm, operations, logistics, and transaction costs theory.

The PhD curriculum at Maringa State University looks for improving student’s research in generating impactful research, innovation in teaching, and connects theory with practice. The program’s structure follows this path:
  1. Year One: Coursework (Qualitative Advanced Methods; Quantitative Advanced Methods; Philosophy of Science in Management)
  2. Year Two: Coursework, (Elective subjects and qualify oral exam) and Theoretical Paper exam;
  3. Year Three: Dissertation research, Coursework, (Elective subjects);
  4. Year Four: Dissertation research, defend proposal and enter job market
The Master Science curriculum at Maringa State University looks for improving student’s research in generating impactful research, innovation in teaching, and connects theory with practice. The program’s structure follows this path:
  1. Year One: Coursework (Management Theory, Research Design, Research Seminar) and Coursework, (Elective subjects);
  2. Year Two: Qualify oral exam, Dissertation research, defend proposal and enter in job market.


In conjunction with the federal agency programs, the School of Management does its best to provide financial assistance to deserving PhD students. Our course is public course with no tuition price. In addition, we offer scholarship from Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Assessment of Post-graduate Education (CAPES) and from National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development CNPq. Students interested in scholarship should apply for them. The PhD and Msc in Management (PPA-UEM) is a full-time or a part-time program. Classes can be offer in a full-time basis (such as morning, afternoon and at night).

Organizations and Society Area
Professor Dr. Elisa Yoshie Ichikawa received her Master degree in Business Administration from Federal University of Santa Catarina, her Ph.D. in Production Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina and she was a postdoctoral researcher at Federal University of Minas Gerais (CEPEAD/UFMG). She was a member of Management Teaching and Research Scientific Committee at ANPAD division (2008). Currently, she is an Associate Professor of Management at Maringá State University where she is conducting research activities in the areas of organizations, society, organizations identity, organizations image, and instrumental and symbolic dimensions.
E-mail: eyichikawa@uem.br  Vitae/Resume:  http://lattes.cnpq.br/6448044628010889
Professor Dr.  Fabiane Cortez Verdu received her Master degree in Business Administration from Federal University of Paraná, her Ph.D. in Business Administration from Federal University of Paraná and she was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Koeln, Germany. Presently, she is a Professor of Management at Maringá State University where she is conducting research activities in the areas of internationalization, international business strategy, international barriers, international trade, and the process of increasing involvement of enterprises in international markets.
E-mail: fcverdu@uem.br  Vitae/Resume:  http://lattes.cnpq.br/5180707454543908
Professor Dr. Gustavo Adolfo Ramos Mello Neto received his Master degree in Psychology from Pontifical Catholic University, his Ph.D. in Psychology and Human Development from University of São Paulo and he was a Visiting Researcher at Université de Paris VII, France. Presently, he is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Maringá State University where he is conducting research activities in the areas of psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic theory and psychoanalytic psychopathology.
E-mail: garmello@uem.br  Vitae/Resume:  http://lattes.cnpq.br/2571311843918245
Professor Dr. João Marcelo Crubellate received his Master degree in Business Administration from Federal University of Paraná, his Ph.D. in Management from Getulio Vargas Foundation (São Paulo School of Business Administration - EAESP) and he was a postdoctoral researcher at Universita Gregoriana (UNIGRE), Italy. Currently, he is a Professor of Management at Maringá State University where he is conducting research activities in the areas of organizations, institutional theory, ethics, organizations and environment, institutionalization of fear, Brazilian organizational culture, knowledge management and organizational change, subjectivity, and organizational culture.
E-mail:  jmcrubelatte@uem.br  Vitae/Resume:   http://lattes.cnpq.br/7238774538784649
Professor Dr. Josiane Silva de Oliveira received her Master degree in Business Administration from Maringa State University and her Ph.D. in Business Administration from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Doctoral Dissertation with Academic Distinction). Previously, she was Assistant Professor at University of Goias. She was a Visiting Researcher at Université du Québec, Canada. Currently, she is a Professor of Management at Maringá State University where she is conducting research activities in the areas of organization, anthropology, studies based on practical and management, ethnography, resistance in organizations and emotional practice driving creativity and organizing.
E-mail: jsoliveira@uem.br Vitae/Resume:  http://lattes.cnpq.br/2439136270325511
Professor Dr. Priscilla B. Chagas received her Master degree in Business Administration from Londrina State University and her Ph.D. in Business Administration from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Now, she is a Professor of Management at Maringá State University where she is conducting research activities in the areas of organizations, territory development, regional growth, endogenous development, alternative studies in organizations and neo-institutional theory.
E-mail: pbchagas@uem.br  Vitae/Resume:  http://lattes.cnpq.br/4658417402707748
Professor Dr. Mauricio Reinert do Nascimento received his Master degree in Business Administration from Federal University of Paraná, his Ph.D. in Management from Getulio Vargas Foundation (São Paulo School of Business Administration - EAESP), he was a Visiting Researcher at University of Michigan, USA, and he was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Koeln, Germany. Previous, he was the Dean of School of Management. Currently, he is a Professor of Management at Maringá State University where he is conducting research activities in the areas of economic sociology, social economics, organizations and networks, interorganizational relationships networks, innovation, sociology, institutions and regulations.
E-mail: mrnascimento@uem.br Vitae/Resume:    http://lattes.cnpq.br/5978684124962276
Professor Dr. Marcio Pascoal Cassandre received his Master degree in Business Administration from Londrina State University, his Ph.D. in Management from Positivo University, and he was a Visiting Researcher at University of Helsinki, Finland. He is researcher associated to the Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning (CRADLE) - Institute of Behavioural Sciences at University of Helsinki and e researcher associated to the Power, Politics and Economy Study Group at Federal University of Parana (UFPR). Currently, he is a Professor of Management at Maringá State University where he is conducting research activities in the areas of human resources, learning organizations, mental models, change laboratory, interventionist methodology, human factors and ergonomics, Formative intervention, senses of work, and team learning.
E-mail: mpcassandre@uem.br  Vitae/Resume:    http://lattes.cnpq.br/0155135313155112
Professor Dr. William Antonio Borges received his Master degree in Geography from Maringá State University, and his Ph.D. in Public Administration and Government from Getulio Vargas Foundation. Currently, he is a Professor of Management at Maringá State University and he was undergraduate Public Administration coordinator. He is conducting research activities in the areas of public administration, government policies and programmes, territory, associativism, inequality, civic culture, governance, and public policy.
E-mail: waborges@uem.br   Vitae/Resume:    http://lattes.cnpq.br/9904646014121319
Marketing and Supply Chain Area 
Professor Dr. Deisy Cristina Corrêa Igarashi received her Master degree in Production Engineering from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, her Ph.D. in in Production Engineering from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and she was a postdoctoral researcher at Maringa State University. Currently, she is a Professor of Accounting at Maringá State University where she is conducting research activities in the areas of organizations, accounting, financial information, auditing, disclosure, hedge accounting, social responsibility, supply chain, knowledge management, theory of the firm, transaction cost theory, and neo-institutional theory.
E-mail: dccigarashi@uem.br Vitae/Resume:  http://lattes.cnpq.br/5404089890790373
Professor Dr. Sandra Mara S. Bankuti received her Master degree in Production Engineering from Federal University of São Carlos, her Ph.D. in in Production Engineering from Federal University of São Carlos, which she spent ENITIAA at Université de Nantes, France and she was a postdoctoral researcher at Kansas State University, USA. Currently, she is a Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management at Maringá State University where she is conducting research activities in the areas of organizations, theory of the firm, agriculture, commodity chains, vertical and horizontal relationship, food and agribusiness, horizontal arrangements and competitiveness, organizational structures and innovations, technology transfer, transaction cost theory, and neo-institutional theory.
E-mail: smsbakuti@uem.br Vitae/Resume:  http://lattes.cnpq.br/1480792681320117
Professor Dr. José Paulo de Souza received his Master degree in Production Engineering from Federal University of Santa Catarina, his Ph.D. in Production Engineering from University of São Paulo, and he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at University of São Paulo, Agribusiness Department. He was the Dean of School of Management and and spent two months at École d'Ingénieurs de Purpan, France. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management at Maringá State University where he is conducting research activities in the areas of supply chain, logistics, operations management, transaction cost, theory of the firm, bargaining, opportunism, incomplete contracts, agribusiness, food market, bounded rationality and governance.
E-mail: jpsouza@uem.br  Vitae/Resume: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9393941261615421 
Professor Dr. Francisco Giovanni David Vieira received his Master degree in Business Administration from Federal University of Lavras, his Ph.D. in Social Science from Pontifical Catholic University, he was a Post-Doctoral researcher at Getulio Vargas Foundation (São Paulo School of Business Administration - EAESP) and Visiting Researcher at Federal University of Lavras. He was a member of Marketing Scientific Committee at ANPAD division (2009-2010) and he is Editor in Chief at RIMAR – Interdisciplinary Marketing Journal. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Maringá State  University where he is conducting research activities in the areas of marketing, marketing theory, consumer culture theory (CCT), social marketing, consumption choices and behaviors from a social and cultural point of view, extended-self, consumer identity, marketplace culture, and marketing and markets.
E-mail: fgdvieira@uem.br Vitae/Resume:  http://lattes.cnpq.br/8275939437273764
Professor Dr. Olga Maria Coutinho Pepece received her Master degree in Business Administration from Federal University of Parana, her Ph.D. in Business Administration from Federal University of Parana. Currently, she is a Professor of Marketing at Maringá State University where she is conducting research activities in the areas of consumer behavior, consumer culture theory (CCT), gift-exchange, reciprocity, gift-giving, symbolic consumption, fashion, society and symbolism.
E-mail: omcpepece@uem.br Vitae/Resume:  http://lattes.cnpq.br/3983476350546614
Professor Dr. Valter Afonso Vieira received his Master degree in Business Administration from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, his Ph.D. in Management from University of Brasilia, his Habilitation from University of São Paulo, he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Pontifical Catholic University and Getulio Vargas Foundation. Currently, he is a Professor of Marketing at Maringá State University where he is conducting research activities in the areas of marketing, sales, organizational performance, salespeople, social media, retail and emotions in consumer behavior.
E-mail: vavieira@uem.br

State University of Maringá, School of Management
PPA-UEM Programme Ph.D. and Msc in Business Administration and Management
Av. Colombo, 5790 - Bloco C23 - Sala 15 - CEP 87020-900 –
Maringá – Paraná - Brazil;  e-mail: sec-ppa@uem.br   Sr. Bruhmer Canonice