Convênios Internacionais

O PPA-UEM possui 4 convênios formais com universidades de renome. Esses convênios geram conhecimento por meio da troca de experiência e conhecimento entre alunos e professores. Diversos alunos do PPA-UEM participam de estágios internacionais por meio de intercâmbio nessas escolas. Os convênios são:
  • The Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), a qual está localizada na cidade de Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada. UQTR é uma universidade pública dentro da rede da Université du Québec (com aproximadamente 14,500 alunos em 9 campi). One of the university's most attractive features is its relaxed, informal atmosphere where students and professors work closely together during teaching and research activities. The university offers its 14,000 students a quiet, pleasant environment including a large campus with plenty of green open spaces. It also assures them a first-rate education through the dedication and specialized skills of the professors and the availability of advanced techniques. At UQTR, learning and research involve the same hard work as anywhere else - but under far more pleasant conditions. (source
  • Ecole d’ ingénieus at Purpan está localizada em Toulouse, France. A escola foi fundada em 1919. Algumas das principais áreas de conhecimento são Ciências, Agribusiness, Food Science, Marketing e Administração.Founded in 1919, PURPAN educates non-specialised engineers over 5 years. Over 300 professions are open to them in these sectors: Life sciences, Agriculture, Food-processing, Marketing and Management.The School's mission is to provide a public service in the fields of training, research, international cooperation and the transfer of technologies. (source
  • Kansas State University é uma universidade americana no Kansas, EUA, fundada em 1863. Possui aproximadamente 25.000 alunos. When Kansas State University was awarded the Carnegie Foundation's 2010 Community Engagement Classification, the university was one of only 61 public institutions to receive this engaged institution designation. What this means is that K-State is known for teaching, learning and scholarship that engage faculty, students and our community alike. (source
  • University of Perugia é uma universidade pública na cidade de Perugia, Italy e foi fundada em 1308.The Università degli Studi di Perugia, founded in 1308, is one of the oldest universities in Italy and one of the most accredited, offering a wide variety of courses in all fields of education. Our goal is to provide students with the finest quality degree programmes and academic opportunities within a stimulating multicultural environment, along with the opportunity to enjoy an excellent lifestyle and foster their personal and academic growth while studying at the highest level. (source